Saturday, September 26, 2015

Chapter Three - money matters and being filleted.

So we last saw me leaving a bizarre E.R. I had my insurance appt 3 weeks later. By that time the nausea had turned to vomiting.Also the "mass:" had a life of its own and would get twisted somehow causing intense pain and it pushed against my intestines causing me to feel very sick all the time. I did qualifiy for the insurance and went back to the e.r. thinking, ok I am insured now so lets get this baby out. For some reason it has to be in the computer first. My Russian Dr did her best and she sent me home with her personal cell # to update her about my condition.
For the next two weeks I was a real wreck. I only later found out how close to death I was. I was bleeding profusely from an 18 day period each month, combined with my now 30 pound weight loss due to not eating and vomiting, my hematocrit was down to 22.7 indicating severe anemia.I think being obese worked in my favor a little because I had the weight to spare. Finally, I get the call. Surgery is tomorrow. come in right now for pre op.
I was so weak I collapsed in a ball of dry heaving a few feet from where I was supposed to go. I was vomiting bile into a sweat shirt because I was too weak to go to the bathroom. I then went home to somehow drink go lightly. nasty bowel prep makes me nauseous just thinking about it. I managed 5 glasses then vomited. Luckily I hadn't eaten solid food in 2 weeks so bowel prep was really not very necessary.
At the last minute my dr ordered a D&C  due to the amount of vaginal bleeding so I awoke 4 and a half hours later actually hungry! and even broth was delicious! I awoke to some bad news. They had to remove my left ovary with the fibroid tumor, but I still had a shot at having kids. No cancer was visable and I was going to be fine. My first stay in a hospital was a pleasant experience. Lots of nice drugs, friendly nurses and concerned family and friends. That week was one of the nicest in my life. I saw old friends I hadn't seen in years and I was the center of attention for a little bit.
I got a phone call exactly 1 week from my surgery from my Russian doctor. How are you feeling? She asks me. I told her I am healing faster than I even thought and felt much better. She pauses and says you are going to need another surgery I'm sorry. I am a little confused and I say ok, she says you will need a hysterectomy. report to oncology tomorrow.
All I could think about was no kids to babies to breastfeed no strong yet gentle son to take care of me when I get old...Then it hit me...I have cancer.

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